Join the Partner Team
You are invited to join the Partner Team that is fueling ConnectUp’s ministry and mission.
To join the Partners Team, set up your monthly donation using the donation form below.
How to become a ConnectUp Partner
To join the Partners Team, set up your monthly donation by completing the donation form on this page. Financial gifts may be made by credit card or bank draft using the form on this page. If giving by check, your gift may be mailed to 1217 Slate Hill Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011.
As a ministry, ConnectUp remains dedicated to offering personal ministry to anyone, regardless of their financial situation. No one should be denied an appointment with God due to financial limitations.
However, ConnectUp’s growth and increased opportunity has created a challenge. While our ability to serve has grown, our monthly donor base hasn’t kept pace. This has created a gap between our opportunity and the resources we need to sustain it.
We’re asking you to consider becoming a monthly partner (If you already are, thank you!). Your ongoing support would provide the steady resources necessary to continue this vital work.
Would you consider joining us as a monthly partner?
Together we can close this gap and continue making a lasting impact.
With gratitude,
Katie & Mitch Luse
ConnectUp Founders & Directors
Designated Giving Policy
ConnectUp seeks to honor donors’ wishes that designate the use of donated funds. ConnectUp, though, must maintain control over the ultimate determination of how all donated funds are allocated. Although ConnectUp will make every effort to honor a donor’s contribution designation, contributions become the property of ConnectUp and it has the discretion to determine how best to use all contributions to carry out its mission and purposes. This policy helps ConnectUp to fulfill its mission and to steward donated funds in an integrous, appropriate, and honoring way.
When You Give
When you give to ConnectUp, you fund individuals to receive healing prayer sessions, to get trained in ministering to the hearts of others, and to launch ConnectUp ministries in new regions and nations.
We exist to serve the work of Jesus in healing the brokenhearted and setting captives free. Every week, people are getting healed and set free. We are funded through donations, and do not have a set fee for our prayer ministry services. Thank you for fueling this work!
Thank you for supporting ConnectUp to reach people around the world with the healing power of the Gospel.
Locations of some guests who received a ConnectUp Session.