Be Launched
Go forth into ministry by getting launched from a community of prayer ministers. After receiving training, believers are invited to join the network of ConnectUp Branches that extends ConnectUp prayer ministry in the local church and beyond.
Branch Locations
ConnectUp Central Team
Jessica Sanders
Radiant Life Ministries
Stephanie and Craig Miller
Love Baltimore
Jay Baylor
Iglesia Celebracion
Wilmary Milett
Allison Park
Dave and Peggy Lindstrom
The Table Church
Karen Campbell
Are you interested in launching a Branch of ConnectUp for your community?
ConnectUp Branches are expressions of the ministry in other locations. Branches can be established by a church, ministry, para-church, or other type of organization. ConnectUp Branches exist to grow and nurture a network of prayer ministers who are united under the leadership, direction, vision, and values of ConnectUp. The goal is to create a home for healing prayer ministers to belong as they serve.
Branch Onboarding Process
1. Get Trained
Come attend one of our Module 1 Trainings, offered both in person and online. This is an intensive course over 2-3 days that provides basic training and activation on ConnectUp ministry including emotional healing, physical healing and deliverance. Each Training also includes a Branch Interest Meeting that you are invited to attend.
2. Get Mentored
After completion of Module 1 Training, you can request mentoring on how to lead a session under the supervision of ConnectUp. This may include hosting a Mobile Team or practicing in sessions. Mentoring is available at a limited capacity. Prospective participants will engage in an interview process to determine whether this training is the right fit.
3. Launch a Branch!
The Branch Application process involves a few steps; such as an application, references, and a signed trademark agreement. These, along with other expectations, are in place to assure a strong launch for both you and ConnectUp. For more details, please review our Branch Onboarding Packet by clicking the button below.
What is a ConnectUp Branch?
A ConnectUp Branch is an extension of ConnectUp that operates in another location, to provide people who are off-site with an opportunity to belong to a larger community that resonates with their heart and passion for ministering through prayer. Branches are a part of the ConnectUp family and receive the benefits of training, mentoring support, relationships and accountability. While the Branches adhere to some basic requirements with the purpose of maintaining consistency with the ConnectUp values, they also have the liberty to sculpt aspects of the ministry for their unique setting in order to best serve in their context.
Why are there ConnectUp Branches?
Along the way, we have met people who carry the DNA of the ConnectUp ministry and found that many were looking for a place to belong; this sparked the concept of creating ConnectUp Branches. We love finding new family, people whose hearts resonate with ours, and bringing them into the fold so they can join in what God is doing within and through ConnectUp. To date this growth has been a relational process, and we value that sense of personal connection.
ConnectUp is committed to providing ministry that is focused on healing the whole person in Jesus’ name: spirit, soul, and body. We are working to refine and replicate a simple form of listening prayer ministry that ministers inner healing, deliverance and physical healing in a relational format. Those who receive prayer ministry from ConnectUp are encouraged to connect directly with God, as the minister leads them through a series of questions for God and forgiveness for others. The variety of prayer models used in ConnectUp all have an emphasis on the presence of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What type of prayer ministry does ConnectUp Provide?
What are the Values of ConnectUp?
The ConnectUp values are honor, connection and empowerment:
Honor involves bestowing dignity and treating every person that comes before us in a way that demonstrates their value and worth. We believe that ministering with honor and love displays the heart of God and is key to healing the heart. Further material on our understanding of the role of honor can be read in our manual.
Connection involves relating authentically to God and to others. When ministering to people, we believe that relational maturity is just as important as spiritual maturity. We greatly value when others experience that “the way we are with people” can have a healing effect. This includes a commitment to relate with love without discrimination.
Empowerment means putting tools in people’s hands so they are not dependent on us or further ministry sessions for ongoing connection with God. One of the primary expressions of this value is our approach of “listening prayer,” which helps people to hear from God for themselves during ministry times.
What is required to start a ConnectUp Branch?
Starting a Branch of ConnectUp requires the following elements: Relationship with a Non-Profit or Church (for legal/financial accountability) A Branch Director, Trained Team Members, An Administrator, A Location, and Processes. More information and details on these elements is provided in our Branch Onboarding Packet.
Can I use the ConnectUp Tools without becoming a Branch?
Yes! We hope to disseminate the ConnectUp prayer culture as far as possible, and do not anticipate that everyone we train will become an official Branch of ConnectUp. You are most welcome to implement our approach and tools in your ministry as desired. If you are not a Branch, we just ask that you do not call it “ConnectUp,” but rather “Prayer Ministry” or by whatever term you are using in your context.
We are excited that you are considering ConnectUp as a home for your expression of healing prayer. We encourage you to become familiar with ConnectUp prior to requesting the launch of a Branch, which could include attending a training, hosting a Mobile Team, reading our manual, following us on social media, perusing our website, etc. We also encourage you to review the Onboarding Packet Branches to learn more about what is involved in starting and operating a Branch. We are excited about your interest and are available to support you as you explore this with us! For more questions and more information, contact
What is the next step if I want to establish a Branch?
ConnectUp Branches
“I had a vision. In it I saw candles lit all over the nation, and then I saw them spreading around the world. I felt that it was God’s dream for ConnectUp, that someday, somehow, we would have an international family of prayer ministers who were beacons of hope for people in need around the world.”
- Katie Luse, Founder of ConnectUp