Dear ConnectUp Friends,
The crisis in Ukraine continues to rage onward, and we want to express our ongoing support for the people in need. As a prayer community, I encourage you to continue to pray over this situation in our world. When you do not know what or how to pray, history tells us that song, scripture, and silence are powerful forms of prayer in times of need. We can all engage in these types of prayer, even for a few minutes, even right now.
In addition, we want to offer a few options for partnership and giving to those who are serving on the front lines. In February 2022, ConnectUp was privileged to partner with Crisis Response International (CRI) through providing ConnectUp Training at their Base Camp in Virginia for first responders and staff. A few weeks later, this organization began the first of many waves of first responders into Ukraine/Poland to support refugees where they are now working steadily. As a means of ongoing support for those who are suffering, we want to promote our friends at CRI and invite you to partner with them through the links provided below.
May the love of Jesus flow with power in this time,
Katie Luse
Give to Crisis Response International (CRI)
Additional Ways to Connect with CRI
CRI Online Training + Deployment Opportunities | CRI Zoom Prayer Meetings | CRI Base Support
Awakened Generation: In addition to these opportunities, we have a dear friend who is courageously supporting Refugees and Evacuation Efforts in Ukraine who you can also support here: Dennis and Anya Melnichuk are providing ongoing updates from the ground that are both riveting and important as we continue to pray and give.
ConnectUp Team + CRI Responders